Card Verification Method


The card verification method is typically used for temporary employees.  This verification method only requires that the employee present their badge and then have a snapshot taken that can be viewed later in PayClock Online. The clock only verified the badge, it does not verify the employee, it simply taskes a snapshot of the person presenting their badge. This allows the user to verify that the correct employee presented the badge and that no buddy punching has taken place.

When enrolling employee faces, take the following into consideration:

Before enrolling an employee at the FR700/FR650, they must be set up in PayClock Online and updated to the clock.

  1. At the FR700/FR650 clock press the Menu key. A clock administrator must present their face to access the functions menu.
  2. Upon clock administrator verification the Functions Menu will display.
  3. Press 2, the User Management Menu will display.
  4. Press 2, the Modify User screen will display.
  5. Use the numeric keys to enter the user number and press OK.  The employee's user number is the employee PIN in PayClock Online.
  6. The employee's first name or a nickname that has been set up will display, press OK to continue.
  7. With the employee standing at the ready, select the Card verification method.
  8. When Please Swipe Card displays, present the card at the clock.
  9. When the card is registered the clock will display Permit Open Door? press ESC.
  10. When Permit Attendance? displays, press OK. You must press OK, otherwise punches will not be recorded for polling.
  11. The screen will display Finished and will return to the Input User No. screen. Continue with the next employee or press continuously press ESC to return to the normal time/date screen.


Wed 12/05/2018